How to Make Corporate Social Responsibility a Source of Opportunity

How to Make Corporate Social Responsibility a Source of Opportunity

Corporate Social Responsibility-The Advantage of Creating a Sustainable Business Practice:

Corporate Social Responsibility can be a source of opportunity, innovation, competitive advantage, and social progress.

Businesses can apply their resources, expertise, and insights to activities that benefit society and their bottom line. Companies should focus on their triple bottom line: economic, social, and environmental performance.

Corporate volunteerism and societal engagement create goodwill between the company and the community. Moreover, a stronger bond between the community and the firm will generate more support for the company’s products.

An individual and company’s legacy will soon be defined by the social entrepreneurs that lead us into a more sustainable and renewable future. They will be the heroes that save the world from all the many challenges that we face today (corruption, greed, inequality, etc.).

Ben and Jerry’s is one awesome example of a company that engages in CRS (corporate social responsibility). They donate 7.5% of their pre-tax dollars to social causes. They are known for using all natural ingredients and dairy products from cows that have not been treated with hormones. Additionally, Ben and Jerry’s makes it a point to hire people from low-income communities.

As we move into the renewable technology era, it has become an expectation that businesses look out for our society and the community. Just the act of creating a large profit margin is no longer satisfying the public.

Companies can choose whether to be caught like a deer in the headlights with negative publicity… or proactively engage in business practices that promote the well-being of society.

Beyond the Donation:

Corporations can involve themselves past just writing a check to a non-profit organization. The best corporate citizenship initiatives involve specifying clear, measurable goals that track results over time.

A company’s employees can take an active role and donate time as well as dollars to a cause. Follow up is extremely important and makes for a more effective use of corporate charitable donations.

Additionally, employees usually feel a great sense of pride in their participation, which improves employee retention.

Philanthropic initiatives should be described and tracked in terms of impact rather than dollars spent or in the number of hours volunteered.


Top Reasons for Business Owners to Become Social Entrepreneurs:

Businesses need a healthy society, as much as a healthy society needs successful companies.

No social program or government can rival the business sector when it comes to creating jobs, wealth, and innovation. The private sector is the biggest driver of efficiency and assists with the progress of society’s standard of living.

Engaging in Corporate social responsibility has many positive impacts on a company’s bottom line. Corporations that produce safe products and working conditions, will benefit from fewer accidents that result in future lawsuits.

Another benefit is that efficient utilization of land, water, energy, and other natural resources results in a reduction of input costs. This means that the overall expenses of the company will decrease, which will positively impact a company’s bottom line.

Making the Biggest Impact:

A company should look to impact society through their value chain.

  • An example of this would be a pharmaceutical company that donates vaccines. This is because the pharmaceutical company can obtain these vaccines at wholesale prices. This means that they can purchase more vaccines than a non-profit organization could at standard retail prices. By leveraging its value chain, the overall impact is greater than if it were to just donate money to a cause.

Each company should select an issue or issues that intersect with its business niche. This way there can be some overlap between the businesses goals which simultaneously support the community.

A company should ask itself whether it can create value by impacting the community in a beneficial way that also adds profit to its bottom line.

Businesses should look for ways to incorporate social entrepreneurship and social corporate responsibility with a company’s economic or regulatory interests.

There is a way to have these two interests overlap and coincide together.


CSR Opportunity and competitive advantage

In the past, the common corporate response has been neither strategic nor operational but cosmetic. Firms spent the majority of their CSR funds on public relation and media campaigns to showcase the company’s social/environmental good deeds.

The public is becoming more aware of these tactics.

After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, BP Oil engaged in greenwashing to control the damage to its image.

Greenwashing is any disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image.

Instead of engaging in reactive image/brand control, companies should start with products and policies that support their triple bottom line.

If companies are more forthcoming with regard to their actions to reduce pollution, waste, and carbon emissions… I believe that karma will prevail and the community will, in turn, support the firm’s products.

Paving the Path Ahead:

CSR and sustainability should emphasize environmental and community stewardship.

Companies should operate in ways that secure long-term economic performance. Likewise, they should avoid short-term behavior that is socially detrimental or environmentally wasteful.

Where to Start: The global reporting initiative is rapidly becoming the standard for CRS reporting. In fact, according to the GRI website, 93% of the world’s largest 250 corporations report on their sustainability performance.

Business owners and managers can look to these standards to see what areas of operation where they can improve on.


Are There Any Disadvantages to Upgrading to a LEED Certified or Greener office?

Although there is a cost to upgrading, business owners typically need to replace and upgrade their office spaces over time (as regular wear-and-tear occurs).

When old appliances break down, business owners can take that opportunity to replace them with more energy conserving versions.

Luckily, business owners can write-off all of the upgrades to an office as a business expense.

Additionally, a good “green” consultant will know about the local and state refunds, rebates, tax credits, and incentives for the area.

Often times there is a cost associated with updating equipment to newer more efficient versions.

Companies looking to remodel their building to become a LEED-certified office, typically need to hire an expert consultant. Again, this expense is tax deductible :).

Another consideration is that the company may need to find an alternative office space during the re-construction period. One alternative is that companies could allow their employees to work from home during this time.

The company may see a loss of revenue due to the interruption of daily business during the remodel.

Of course, the company should calculate the cost of labor and materials that will go into the remodel.

Although a remodel can take time and money, companies can benefit from an increase of good will. The switch will also result in a reduction in utility costs and provide a healthier environment for their employees and the community.

Conscious Consumerism:

As a collective, the community holds all of the purchasing power!

We have come to a point where stakeholders and society clearly expect businesses to engage and look out for the community’s best interest. Companies that do not change their ways will slowly see a decline in their profits. is devoted to promoting conscious consumerism to speed up this change. Our goal is to signal to companies that they must fall in line with consumer’s demands.

Companies should choose one niche area that they can focus all of their attention.

This will allow them to make a meaningful impact instead of separating and diffusing their resources among numerous unrelated efforts.

Instead of focusing on the friction between businesses and civil society, we should focus more on the points of intersection.

List a few ways you believe that the company you work for can make a difference? Comment below!


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Renewable Energy

9 Reasons to Switch to Renewable Energy

Reasons to Switch to Renewable Energy:

1. Perform an energy audit to increasing the efficiency of your home.  You could cut your energy bill in half and save some big-time bucks!

One of the biggest uses of electricity is devoted to heating and cooling your home. This is because most homes look like a block of swiss cheese, meaning that the home has a ton of tiny holes that let all of the A/C out.

By downloading the Free Home Energy Audit guide, you can perform a quick evaluation to see how badly your home is leaking. Chances are you are wasting a lot of money heating and cooling a home that isn’t retaining the A/C.

Shockingly, 62% of electricity is generated through the burning of coal and fossil fuels. 

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2. Protect yourself from devastating rises in fuel cost. Fossil Fuels are a limited resource. As the supply dwindles and the population continues to grow, energy prices will increase. Simply put, this is a traditional supply and demand curve equation.

3. Little to no cost to making the switch. Currently, many renewable technologies and fuels are already cost-competitive with conventional fuels.

This means that there are ways to making the switch now, with little to no cost to you! As renewable technologies develop, the economies of scale will increase.  Overall, an increase in electricity production will reduce the cost to purchase it from utility companies. 

4. Increased independence from energy monopolies. Moreover, the benefit of renewable energy is that the creation of electricity comes from a decentralized power source. Obviously, no one company has the rights to the sun’s energy. Solar energy can be produced on an individual scale, which liberates you from the tyranny of energy monopolies. 

5. Control over your own power generation. Renewable energy is often actively lobbied against by powerful fossil fuel industry leaders. In essence, lobbyists advocate for the continued use of oil and coal to prevent the liberation of the average energy user. Energy monopolies want to secure their control over electricity prices.

Positive Political Reasons Switching to Renewable Energy:

6. Increase in national security. A decentralized energy system would make our country less vulnerable to sabotage or attack. In the event of an attack on a power plant, swaths of homes would be left without electricity. Not to mention, food in grocery stores myy spoil.

7. Producing your own energy. This gives you the ability to free yourself from the political whims of legislators and become your own energy plant manager.  In essence, this means that any political power changes or increases in energy costs will not affect your budget! 

8. Other countries are much further ahead of the US. Germany, Great Britain, and the Netherlands are making tremendous efforts to tap into renewable energy resources. In the past, the US had always been at the forefront of leading industries but times are changing.

The United States is lagging far behind other countries with similar technological capabilities. America has long been the technological over the past 200 years, but the tides are changing. As we continue to hold on to out-dated fossil fuel technologies, we lag further behind other leading nations.

Renewable Energy is Quite Predictable:

9. The amount of renewable energy available in a given year is quite predictable. While renewable energy resources such as wind and solar may not be available 24 hours a day, the overall energy capture in a given year is very similar. The use of battery storage systems will help stockpile and save any energy surpluses for later use.

Challenges and Ways to Over Come Them:

1. Energy storage systems should be a part of the long-term growth plan of our country. In a prior blog, I discuss how one of the major challenges to switching to renewable technology is the retrofitting of our vast infrastructure system (homes, office/public buildings, and transit).

2. Another challenge that we are facing is that there are not enough experts and local suppliers of renewable energy technologies.

3. Colleges should increase the number of classes they offer in the area of renewable technology.  Colleges can also provide instruction in the areas of eco-engineering, materials development, and green architecture.

4. Converting to a renewable energy based economy will need to be done on a house-by-house basis. Of course, energy independence is more easily attained by those building brand new homes. But, the vast majority of homes that exist in the world will need to be retrofitted to become more efficient.

The biggest thing that a homeowner can do to become energy efficient is to perform a home energy audit:

The transition to a renewable energy society will require the efforts of millions of informed homeowners. This is because homes are owned by individuals and not one large entity that can enact sustainability across the board.

Above all, individuals can choose to make a significant impact and change their habits quickly. You do not need to seek permission from a board of directors or stockholders to change your buying/living habits.

Even though it may be a task to get millions of people to change their daily habits, social movements are the basis of massive change.

With this in mind, you can make the biggest impact in two forms. First, reducing your energy consumption (download the home energy audit guide). Second, increasing your energy production.

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Following the Leader:

California has just become the first state to require all new homes to have solar power. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, three other states have also considered legislation requiring that new buildings be solar-ready. The three states considering going green are New Jersey, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C.,

California has long been the leader in the transition toward an energy independent society. Its laws require that at least 50% of the state’s electricity come from noncarbon-producing sources by 2030.

In conclusion, we cannot afford to be nearsighted. We must use our voices and dollars in ways that promote sustainability.

An energy independent individual will:

  • Save money on their energy bill
  • Protect themselves from rising energy costs
  • Support an energy independent nation
  • Save the environment!

Many Birds with the Same Stone:

In sum, there aren’t many chances in life where we get to take advantage of so many benefits by making one change. This is one of those opportunities, and you should get excited about to hopping on the bandwagon.

The switch is inevitable, but how long we take to make the switch can greatly impact what the future will look like. The sooner you act, the faster you can start saving!!

Take advantage of this opportunity to save money, live a healthier quality of life, and be a part of a powerful movement!

Can you think of any other ways that switching to a renewable energy society can help you save money? If so, comment below!


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